Natural Polymer International Corporation (NPIC), a leading manufacturer of high-quality pet treats, proudly announces its 25th anniversary in the industry. This significant milestone marks a quarter-century of dedication to providing healthy, natural, and delicious treats for pets worldwide.

Since its establishment in 1998, NPIC has been committed to enhancing the well-being of pets through its innovative and nutritious pet treats. Over the years, the company has gained a strong reputation for its unwavering commitment to quality, safety, and sustainability.

“We are thrilled to celebrate our 25th anniversary as a trusted provider of pet treats,” said Sam Chen, VP, Sales & Marketing of NPIC. “Our journey over the past two and a half decades has been one of continuous growth, innovation, and a deep passion for the well-being of pets. We are incredibly grateful to our loyal customers, dedicated employees, and valued partners who have been instrumental in our success.”

NPIC’s success can be attributed to its relentless pursuit of excellence in pet treat manufacturing. The company utilizes state-of-the-art facilities and adheres to the highest industry standards to ensure the production of safe, nutritious, and delicious treats. Each product undergoes rigorous quality control measures and is crafted with natural ingredients, carefully selected for their health benefits and irresistible taste.

Throughout its 25-year journey, NPIC has expanded its product line to cater to the diverse needs of pets. From the N-Bone Puppy Teething Rings to Get Naked Functional Dental Sticks, the company continues to innovate and develop new formulations that align with the evolving demands of pets.

In addition to its commitment to pet health, NPIC takes its environmental responsibility seriously. The company actively implements sustainable practices throughout its operations, including responsible sourcing, packaging, and waste management. By prioritizing eco-friendly initiatives, NPIC aims to contribute to a healthier planet for pets and their owners.

As part of its 25th-anniversary celebrations, NPIC will be launching special promotions and engaging with its customers through various platforms. Pet owners can expect exciting giveaways, exclusive discounts, and opportunities to share their heartwarming pet stories.


來自美國的天然潔牙骨品牌NPIC,(Natural Polymer International Corporation)隆重慶祝品牌成立25週年。推出限定產品優惠和獨家好禮,誠摯邀請毛孩與毛爸媽一同參與。


NPIC的產品通過美國消化程度測試,並經台大附設動物醫院專業獸醫團隊的潔牙效果臨床實驗認證,兼具有效性和食用安全兩大要素,堪稱寵物天然潔牙骨的先驅。公司逐年擴大產品線,以滿足寵物市場多樣化的需求。從深受幼犬喜愛的新型環狀潔牙圈(Puppy Teething Rings)到Get Naked健納緹頂級保健潔牙骨(Functional Dental Chew Sticks)。NPIC不斷改良配方、進行口感測試,從美國開拓市場,如今已成功出口到世界各地。近年來,NPIC亦積極開發貓咪和貂食用的點心,踏入全方位的天然寵物食品品牌之路。


除了關注毛孩健康,NPIC也高度重視與環境相關的議題。公司在營運上積極推動永續性作法,從原料採購、包裝到廢棄物管理,每個環節都盡力履行企業社會責任。秉持著對友善環境的初衷,NPIC期望為寵物和飼主共同打造更健康的生活環境。 為了慶祝25週年,NPIC將推出特別的促銷活動和獨家限量品牌贈品,毛爸媽們可藉此機會選購心儀的產品。